sympa-20th-birthday-hackathon AT
Objet : register to the sympa hackathon
Description :
The sympa hackathon will be run at the portique of the University of Strasbourg.
* April 1 2017, from 9:00 (9am) to 18:00 (6 pm)
* April 2 2017, from 9:00 (9am) to 18:00 (6 pm)
sympa is one of the worldwide most used malling list manager (35 millions users on 3000 sites including riseup, NASA, UNESCO, ...), help us to make the world better:
join one our crew and hack:
improve system packaging (debian, fedora, yunohost, alternc, ...) create a docker stack for developers, design and implement an smtp test suite, redesign the website, work on a new logo, sketch and code a complete new modern web ui using vue.js (responsive and material), work on CPAN modules and perl.
register, stay tunned and ask questions on the event on this list.
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