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thecovideffect - The Socio-economic effects of Covid 19 in Sri Lanka

thecovideffect AT

Objet : The Socio-economic effects of Covid 19 in Sri Lanka

Description : The immediate and the most popular response to Covid-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka has been
a humanitarian one. Social workers, activists and policy makers have been rallying to
distribute welfare goods and services across the country. At the same time, the pandemic is
proving to have broad, binding and long-term effects on socio-economic-cultural and
political matters of life across space from Sri Lanka to the entire world. How does the
pandemic affect working people in the informal market, working people in export-oriented
market? How does the pandemic affect farmers? How has it affected and reshaped our
understanding on democracy? Development? Globalisation? This initiative recognizes that
there has to be concerted efforts on the economy, democracy, society, culture.

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